Kanton dan MandarinSebelumnya gue sempat membahas mengenai film kanton nih terus gue ada bilang kalau bakal jelasin apa bedanya kanton dengan mandarin itu…Aug 31, 2021Aug 31, 2021
This is about Old Cantonese Movie (Mengandung spoiler)Awalnya gue pengin bahas ini dengan bikin thread di twitter tapi setelah gue pikir lagi mending nulis di sini aja.Aug 31, 2021Aug 31, 2021
The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal.Spiritual awakening is the difficult process whereby the increasing realisation that everything is as wrong as it can be flips suddenly…Aug 29, 2021Aug 29, 2021
Chaerul Umam once said “Work in photography based on what you like, not based on what people like.Black and white photography:Aug 17, 2021Aug 17, 2021
Penting untuk memeriksa, mengapa sebuah pertanyaan ada dan muncul dari kepala seseorang?(Mengecek epistemologi berpikir seseorang, sehingga ia bisa memunculkan pertanyaan untuk dirinya sendiri dan orang lain)Aug 14, 2021Aug 14, 2021
I have never known what happiness really means, but i’m sure it sounds a lot like your name.I fell fast asleep, staring at the sun drenched wall.Aug 10, 2021Aug 10, 2021
I’m scared.They flatly refused, even though I was willing to be a small dust in the corner of the room.Aug 10, 2021Aug 10, 2021
Ok, here we go.When I started this all, I was glued to the sentence, “Start your first story”. Then I thought what I can share here.Aug 9, 2021Aug 9, 2021